OREXTM / PolyZolvTM Processing Services

With our OREX™/PolyZolv™ line of protective clothing and products, the need to manage a cumbersome laundry “valet” service is eliminated. ETI delivers new, single use garments to your facility for use by your workforce. After use, the garments are placed in our specially designed bags that are then transported back to ETI for post-use processing.
Back at our facilities, every used garment is processed so that only a liquid effluent remains. This liquid effluent is then further processed so that only clean water, CO2 and a small amount of solid material remain. Disposal of all residual waste, resulting from the OREX™/PolyZolv™ process, become the responsibility of ETI.The best part of our OREX/PolyZolv technology is that plants that utilize it experience a 97 percent reduction in low-level waste generation compared to traditional methods.
Reduce Waste
OREX™/PolyZolv™ users experience a 97% reduction in low-level waste generation compared to traditional methods.
Safe for the Environment
Once nuclear contaminants are removed, our product evaporates away as an inert, non-toxic gas.